Me: Hi Miss Thang?
Anytra: Well Hello (with a smile)
Me: Let's get down to our BI!!
Ms. Anytra what makes you different from any other stylist in our industry?
Anytra: Well, I have been in this industry for about 20 years now and I must say I lived through alot of trends, seen alot of stylists, and have learned alot. What makes me different is I care. I care about the person who sits in my chair and I care how they look. I am also very passionate about what I do and keeping my customers satisfied. I always go through a consultation period before I take any client to my chair to find out about them, their lifestyle, and what needs to be accomplished.
Me: Well put!
How long have been in this industry?
Anytra: For well over 20yrs
Me: How did you get started?
Anytra: I started off as a braider. I use to braid hair and experiment with different styles and I started to enjoy the art form I was creating. It made me become more interested in exploring what I could do with hair and before I knew it....I was a Stylist!!
Me: It kind of sounds like you were destined to be a stylist or even in the Fashion Indusrty?
Anytra: Well, actually I started my love of creating with clothes. I would sew my own outfits and make my own wardrobes since I was a little girl so, its always been in me.
Me: How did you become a Celebrity Stylist?
Anytra: I got pulled in by people I know who know people.(laughs)
Me: Who are some of the people you have been blessed to touch?
Anytra: I've done Kim Whitley, Angela Davis, Sheryl Lee Ralph, and Ruby Dee to name a few.
Me: What would you recommend for young and upcoming stylists?
Anytra: I would recommend starting from the bottom. You must know your way around this industry from the inside out. Being around stylists that are in your field or doing what you would like to do is good also. Perfecting your craft by taking advanced education classes, talking to other stylists about the industry and their experiences.
Me: Who would be your ideal Celebrity to style?
Anytra: Mary... Mary J. Blige
Me: Before you leave this industry, What "Mark" would you like to leave on it?
Anytra: That I was here Honey!! (laughs) No, really that I have made a good impression.
Today the industry is flooded with hairstylists putting their "Mark" in Hollywood, Music, and Reality Stars. Some shoot up to stardom and some stay under the radar but, produce beautiful work. I think I have found that in talking to Ms. Anytra Small. A hairstylist who not only cares about what she does but, takes the time to get to know who she does and bangs some good hair in the process. She is definitely a stylist you should get to know.
If your interested in booking Ms. Small Please visit her at:
NBeauty Inc.
3933 Ridge Ave.
Philadelphia, Pa 19132
215 229 9050